1. Am I really talking to famous fictional character?

Of course not, silly! The responses to your questions are generated by the artificial intelligence (AI) chat-bot called ChatGPT. The AI uses information it collected from all over the internet to guess how these historical Identity would have responded to your questions.

2. My guest's answers are wrong or misleading!

AI chat bots are a nascent technology and there are still some bugs to work out. If, at the end of the game, you find that any of your answers didn't make sense, hit 'em with a thumbs down in the panel to the right of the question. That won't impact your score, but it will improve the game going forward.

3. How were the game's fictional characters chosen?

This game tries to balances characters created for different media, and by creators from times and places. That said, the selection process is arbitrary and there are certainly famous and significant characters that still ought to be added. If you have suggestions for new characters, please share them in the Trainwreck Labs Discord server!

4. What is the “streak” in my game statistics?

That's the number of guests correctly identified in a row. You do not need to play a round on the day it comes out for it to count towards your streak.

5. Apparently my guest has “gone home for the day”. What does that mean?

Although playing Fictogram is free, the technology it employs to talk to people from the past (i.e. the Chat-GPT API) is not. Whilehttps://fiction.chronogram.chat finds its audience, the number of people that can play each day is limited so that running the site does not become too expensive for Trainwreck Labs. The cap on daily players will increase as time goes on.

If you didn't get a chance to play today, try again tomorrow! The guest will return refreshed from their rest in 19h 55m. In the meantime, try identifying other guests while they are still available!

6. Does Fictogram have a privacy policy?

Click this link to see Fictogram's privacy policy.

7. The "Enter" button doesn't work for some of my questions. Why is that?

There are some questions which trigger unreasonable responses from ChatGPT. Certain words and phrases aren't allowed to be asked to make sure that the responses you get always helpful without giving away the answer.